Two Lodges, a Few Steps Apart

From one lodge to the other will be a short walk.
The new sleeping annex will have the drying room for all guests and the bar and games room in Vertebrae lodge will be expanded to accommodate the additional 12 clients.
Latest word is that this 50 ft x 25 ft common porch will be entirely covered by the roof overhangs, so that the two lodges will appear from a distance to be one integrated unit. THe roofline will have three steps rising from the bedroom wing of Vertebrae Lodge to the highest ridgeline over Solitude Lodge.
Dale and Dan are thinking about a fire pit constructed somewhere on the deck, with a free-standing chimney. This space will not be entirely enclosed and will not be heated but, with a fire going, it might provide an outdoor gathering spot for guests to rest between darts and pool tourneys.
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